Thursday 13 October 2011

Guest Presentation (Andrew Calcutt)

Creative Industry in UK and History

Andrew Calcutt gave us critical view about the creative industry in UK. He similarised 1711 and 2011 as anything is markatable, merchandising and production place somewhere else in the country or other country.
He also described the period between 1711 and 2011 where Industrial Revolution started from 1711 and UK De-industrialiation in 1970s and the integration of villages, towns and cities into national economy.
The idea of Creative industry is the latecomer(1990s) coincided with UK de-industrialisation.

1711: cogito ergo sum
-Hardly any 'industrial scale' industry

2011: Manifesto ergo sum
-More mass production than ever before, but it takes place somewhere else.

19th Century

Culture Against Industry: According to Mr. Calcutt, In 19th century culture and society was based on the concept against Industry which has slowly changed in interest of National economy after Industrial Revolution.

Fisrt half of the twentieth century:
Industrialisation of culture:  The Culture agaist industry was completly changed into the concept of Industrialisation of culture which integrated towns, villages, society, culture and national economy.

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