Saturday 22 October 2011

FIeld Visit: Dalston Junction

Last week when we had creative industry field visit in Dalston Junction, I have got chance to do the actual field research about creative industry in London. It gave me the oppurnunity to see how the creative sector works and how they managed to survive in this critical economic crisis.
I visited in the outlet called: Here today Here tomorow, Print club London(Print studio for Arts and Fashion), Open the Gate (Photo Gallery) and LN-CC (A boutique/art gallery). I manged to talk with Katy (Director of Print London Studio) and she provided the information about how does the print market runs. she also stated that these creative sector are affected by recession however they are managed to market because of marketing and dealing in local and national level.

Open the Gate was which was simply Photo Gallery which had some interesting collection of Photos and images and on the roof they planted small green house with varriety of Flowers and other plants.

However, I found LN-CC( Late Night Chameleon CafĂ©) more interesting and exactly relevant with my trip. The outlet was- a concept boutique/event space/art gallery tucked away underneath an otherwise non-descript building on Shacklewell Lane. It opened last year and has fast become a figurehead for fashion in east London, offering a welcome relief from the all the over-priced pseudo vintage tat and influx of high street brands that permeate Brick Lane and Shoreditch. On this occasion, the group I was with was able to chat to the boutique's John and Charlotte, (John is the creative director) who explained a bit about the development.The whole team has a long background in retail, and knew exactly what they want to do to try to evolve the business a little bit, while still retaining a workable shopping experience.

The interior is designed by artist Gary Card, chosen by the team because of their desire to see an artist that they love given a permanent installation space, and the result is a wonderland like maze of Perspex and wood, tunnels and a treehouse.The reason for my ending up at LN-CC this time was actually not with the intention of doing any writing specifically on them, but I find it such an interesting place that I couldn’t resist. It’s completely worth a visit.
It's probably one of the most interesting and modern places for fashion around at the moment, and I predict that we'll see some pretty good things from it in the future.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Guest Presentation (Andrew Calcutt)

Creative Industry in UK and History

Andrew Calcutt gave us critical view about the creative industry in UK. He similarised 1711 and 2011 as anything is markatable, merchandising and production place somewhere else in the country or other country.
He also described the period between 1711 and 2011 where Industrial Revolution started from 1711 and UK De-industrialiation in 1970s and the integration of villages, towns and cities into national economy.
The idea of Creative industry is the latecomer(1990s) coincided with UK de-industrialisation.

1711: cogito ergo sum
-Hardly any 'industrial scale' industry

2011: Manifesto ergo sum
-More mass production than ever before, but it takes place somewhere else.

19th Century

Culture Against Industry: According to Mr. Calcutt, In 19th century culture and society was based on the concept against Industry which has slowly changed in interest of National economy after Industrial Revolution.

Fisrt half of the twentieth century:
Industrialisation of culture:  The Culture agaist industry was completly changed into the concept of Industrialisation of culture which integrated towns, villages, society, culture and national economy.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Creative Industry and Definition

According to DCMS( Department for Culture Media and Sports) creative industries include :
  1. Arts, antique Market
  2. Advertising
  3. crafts
  4. Communication Design
  5. Fashion
  6. Architecture
  7. Film and video 
  8. computer Games
  9. sotware
  10. Performing Arts
  11. Music
  12. Television, Radio
  13. Publishing
DCMS defines creative industry as -'' Those industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitaion of intellctual property.'' Creative Industry brings togethter creative with technology with business.

Fashion : Fashion is the general term for currently popular style of practice, especially in clothing , footwear or accessories.
Fashion Industry : Fashion industry is a produst of modern age. Before it was hand made, home made by dress makers and tailors. By the beginig of the 20th century rise of the new technology , machines, global capitalism , factory system of production and retail outlets, department stores made fashion industries vast and global and played important role for economy.