Thursday 8 December 2011

Discourse : Fashion in the Creative Industries

These are academic blogs which  been created for the module called: Discourse: Fashion in the creative industry(FT2502) on weekly basis. This is just a little brief about the included contents of the essay.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Summary of UK Apparel Industries experience:
·         As a most developed country, national output and trade currently made by apparel industry has a very small contribution.
·         The forces of global shifts in the sectors are extremely powerful, reflecting a natural tendency for apparel manufacture to act as an engine of development in newly industrialising nations.
·         The labour cost gap between the developed and developing world remains large and there is no sign of any immediate technological break-through which could ease the impact of this gap upon costs.
·         Exports performance became worst badly after 1998 and the sectors displays huge trade deficit a high negative trade balance on apparel trade.
·         The global spread of the UK industry is extremely limited. The UK domestic market is large but extremely competitive and dominated by a small number of large retailers.
·         After 1995 the trend in UK output and employment entered a new phase that both data have turn down together.

Friday 2 December 2011

UK market and issues

By the begging of the 20th century rise of the new technology, machines, global capitalism, factory system of production and retail outlets, department stores made fashion industries vast and global and this global industries play key role in world economy. Although fashion Industry developed in Europe and America but today it is highly globalised internationally. Now-a-days Clothing often design in one country, manufactured in another and sold worldwide.

UK current Issues
Today, the UK manufacturing base and employment are rapidly falling down. Apparel manufacturing industry in the UK employed around 83,000 people in 2006 down from over 200 000 a decade earlier and the statistics reveal that fashion is a large global business sector going through a period of great change. In terms of UK, Apparel trade is in Deficit because of high labour rates. Now Britain is like travel agent dealing with first and third party. The trend reflected by these statistics(below table) is also representative of apparel production trends in many other developed countries in Europe as well as the America.
The types of integration occurring by Global business :
1.    Financial : Global business liable to progress on financial sector which contribute nation’s economy and government revenue.
2.    Trade and Investment : Globalization encourage for more trade and Investment which tends to integrate region and nation. For example- more market creates more value and more revenue.
3.  Labour : Labour market and utilization of man power regulates  social and economic condition and maintain the unemployment rate of their respective nation.

Some of renown retails name in UK :